Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Sexual Selection Lab

***START OF PAGE 1*** 1) hypothesis 2 marks An isopods personate duration and expedite make a motion its chances of predator avoidance. 2) Plausible reason wherefore/how each independent variables affect the dependent variable. 2 marks An isopods ashes length, specifically if it is short, will allow it to move scurrying. If an isopod has low speed it will non likely avoid predators as much as an isopod which moves fast. 3) Prediction(s) 2 marks If an isopods body length and speed require an effect on its chances of predator avoidance, so some traits will be better adapted to the environment and as a result, would increase the isopod frequency and those traits will be passed on to succeeding generations. 4) Null Hypothesis 1 mark Body length and an isopods speed have no affect on its chances of predator avoidance. 5) Prediction of Null Hypothesis 1 mark If an isopods body length and speed have no affect on its chances of predator avoidance, then there will be no chang e to frequency since those traits will not be passed on to consequent generations because they provide no advantage in regards to fitness and predator avoidance. 6) Results and Conclusions a) Figures 1 (for size) & 2( for speed) Inserted on page 2. 7 marks, 3. 5 marks per figure b) Isopod length and success against predation 3 marks The dream up average for isopod length in the sign population is 12. 8mm. The mean average for isopod length in the survivor population is 13. mm. The selection long suit is 1 mm. There is a slight shift towards all-night isopods. spirit at the figure 1, the isopods with a body length amongst 12. 1 mm- 15. 0 mm produced the most survivors after predation. Surprisingly, those with a body length between 15. 1mm-18. 0 mm initially had a low population, further after predation, they had an increased number of survivors. Taking this into account, my hypothesis was incorrect because the longer the body length, the increase number of survivors you will observe after predation. ) Isopod speed and success against predation 3 marks The mean average for isopod speed in the initial population is 0. 91 cm/s. The mean average for isopod speed in the survivor population is about 1. 28 cm/s. The selection devotion is 0. 37 cm/s. There is a slight shift towards faster isopods in the surviving population. Looking at figure 2, the isopods who had a panache speed between 0. 0 cm/s 0. 05 cm/s had the highest amount of predator avoidance in the survivor population. stock-still again, the isopods who had a sprint speed between 2. cm/s and 3. 0 cm/s had an increased number of survivors ( than initial population). Also, those isopods who had sprint speeds between 1. 6 cm/s and 2. 0 cm/s had the uniform rate of survivors as the initial population. Analyzing these results, my hypothesis is somewhat correct because those who ran the hurried (0. 0 cm/s 0. 05 cm/s) produced the highest number of survivors after predation. *** block u p OF PAGE 1*** ***START OF PAGE 2*** pic Figure 1. frequence distribution of isopod body length prior to and after being unfastened to a black spoon as the predator.Figure 2. Frequency distribution of isopod sprint speed before and after being placed on a plastic race track and measuring its speed on an time interval of 10 seconds. ***END OF PAGE 2*** ***START OF PAGE 3*** 7) Primary Literature Search a) Citation 1 mark 1. Zidar, P. , Hribar, M. , Zizek, S. & Strus, J. Behavioural response of sublunary isopods (Crustacea Isopoda) to pyrethrins in soil or food. Eur. J. Soil Biol. 51, 51-55 (2012). b) Relevance to lab essay 1 mark Discusses changes to an isopods behavior when exposed to different environment.Might explain why the isopods behaved a certain way in the lab. 8) Communication (TO BE COMPLETED BY YOUR TA) 2 marks Your TA will evaluate your assignment as follows Poor (0. 5) modal(a) (1) Good (1. 5) Excellent (2) Poor syntax, grammar, sentence Excellent syntax, gr ammar, sentence twist and flow throughout. Some issues with syntax, grammar, Minimal issues with syntax, structure and flow throughout. (It is very rough to sentence structure and flow. grammar, sentence structure and ( Everything is clear, concise, understand what you are stressful to flow. and easy to read. ) say. ) Final Mark _______ /25 ***END OF PAGE 3***

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